sábado, agosto 7

E os FF estiveram em grande como deu para ouvir ontem... snif, ouvir, não ver...

Antes de virem ao nosso país presentear-nos com um excelente concerto, os Franz Ferdinand andaram em tournée pela Austrália e pelo Japão e tiveram, ao que parece, problemas na fronteira da Nova Zelândia por causa de...... laranjas!!! Sim... laranjas...

ts ts ts... rapazes, parece impossível...

Alex conta:
"They're very particular about taking any kind of foodstuffs across the borders and things, they were going crazy and the X Ray machines were flashing and going nuts, and we thought (jokes) 'Oh my god they've found the stash of cocaine!' But it wasn't, it was the orange. They didn't give a damn about the hard drugs, it was the fact that we were smuggling and orange into the country. No citrus fruits!" :D

Mais: aqui.

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